Sunday, April 12, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

The female has been very active in the nest over the past hour or so. I am sondering if she is getting ready to lay.

The year begins

Last night after returning home from walking the dog I noticed the rump of a bird sticking out of what looked like an old squirrel nest. After watching for a few minutes I saw the head of the bird emerge. It was dark gray on the back with, in the low light, a light gray belly. I tried to get around it and get some pictures with the camera but she took off and flew to another tree with her mate. Watching them further it looks like I have a mated pair of Cooper's hawks in a large red oak tree in the cemetery.

This morning with better light I took some pictures of them and observed them more to get a better identification, as last night I still wasn't sure what kind of accipiter it was. The morning sunlight was perfect for good detailed observations. After reading an excellent page on the Cooper's hawk and possible misidentification. I am fairly certain these are Cooper's hawks.

I will be keeping this blog over the year while watching the pair go about their business. All observations will be on a part time basis, usually mornings and evenings.